It's a brand new month, so with it comes a brand new GB'S Shopping Spree and this time we raised the stakes a little bit. This next shopping spree went down on Wednesday, March 20th with the beautiful Dreamdoll. This month, our winner got $1000 to play with in GB'S! That's literally double our first shopping spree.
The contest went up a week before the spree and all we asked followers to do was like our video explaining the contest, make sure they were following us and Dreamdoll, and comment the hashtag, #DREAMGBNY to enter. It was safe to say our inboxes, comment section, even phone lines were flooded with people hoping to be named the winner as we had thousands of comments on that one video alone.
When it came time to pick a winner, we did it at random but we did have to make sure they were local to the NY area. We picked a young man named Jarod from Brooklyn. He was ready to go and showed up early, and even brought his 2 year old son Khadir with him. The pair shopped for HOURS with the help of Dreamdoll who gave her input on everything Jarod was picking up and picking out. Although he tried to keep it as close to the budget as possible, the total came out a little bit over $1,100 which Dreamdoll graciously and quickly decided to cover. Jarod and Khadir spent the whole day with us at GB'S and quickly became part of our #GBNYFAM. It was another successful GB'S Shopping Spree and we are already looking forward to the next one. If you or someone you know would like the chance to be a part of our next GB'S Shopping Spree make sure you keep checking our Instagram for all updates @GBNY.