The Runner’s Guide: How to choose Nike shoes for men
If your current running shoes have seen better days and you’re in the market for a replacement pair, you’ll easily find a pair that suits once browsing the extensive range offered by Nike, one of the largest global footwear brands.
Ever since it was founded back in 1984, Nike has strived to be at the very cutting edge of sports apparel innovation and has now established a firm reputation for creating a range of footwear that:
- Is lightweight and durable.
- Provides exceptional comfort and flexibility.
- Helps prevent foot injuries.
- Is stylish and fashion-forward.
Time for a change
On average, you can expect a pair of running shoes to cover between four and five hundred miles before they wear out. One of the great benefits of tracking your exercise with a fitness monitor or smartphone is that you can more easily see when you are approaching this number and your shoes are likely to need to be replaced.
A question of support
The best Nike running shoes for men are those that offer you the right level of support for the type of activity you want to engage in and your individual running style. If, for example, your foot rolls inwards or outwards when you run, then look to buy a shoe that offers an enhanced level of stabilization, such as Nike Air Max shoes for men, or all the models within the Air Zoom range.
If you run on hard surfaces such as pavements and want to be as comfortable as possible, look for a shoe with more cushioning. Although you might simply think that all Nike shoes for men with more cushioning are always going to be preferable, this isn't always the case. You need to browse their range and find the best trainers for your circumstances. If you’re wondering what’s best for you, consider the following:
- High level of cushioning. This is ideal if you run a large number of miles each day or take part in races such as half marathons. Such shoes are also better suited to new runners or those with larger frames as they offer a greater level of protection for their feet and limit the amount of shock that travels up through their legs into the rest of their bodies, reducing the chances of injury.
- Medium level of cushioning. Such shoes better suit those who prefer to feel more in touch with the road while running, and who enjoys running at a faster pace over shorter distances.
- Low level of cushioning. These shoes are ideal for competitive racers and will also help to strengthen your feet while you train.
Finding the best Nike shoes for men for your feet
Before purchasing your shoes, you should also consider the type of arch you have in your feet and the amount of flexibility you experience. Runners with high arches that do not flex much tend to result in less effective shock absorption. Therefore, people who have high arches and who are underpronated are advised to wear shoes with plenty of flexibility.
Most people have medium arches that mean their ankles tend to roll slightly inwards when they move. Shoes that promote stability can reduce this, allowing you to run more comfortably. If you have low arches, a pair of high stability Nike sports shoes for men can reduce the degree of pronation, however, people with flat feet need to stay away from highly cushioned shoes that lack in the necessary stability features.
Finding the best fit
Nike is constantly searching for new ways to demonstrate the benefits of its products to customers. For example, Nike's latest running shoes are extremely soft, light and bouncy. In selected stores in China, customers can test them out by climbing on to a treadmill and playing a video game in which they can control an avatar - wearing the sneakers - who jumps and bounces their way through an epic fantasy world. Such practices can help runner find the best shoes for them, while also providing great fun.
Where will you be running?
Choosing the right sneakers means thinking about the surface you plan to run on most often.
If you’re competing, then lightweight sneakers are ideal for elite athletes. However, competitive runners need to ensure their shoes are not too light, and you also need to consider the surface you’re running on. For instance, you’ll experience less impact on grass, therefore, a trainer will less cushioning is fine. On the other hand, if you’re running on asphalt or trails, you’ll need to find shoes with more cushioning. If you’re a seasoned runner, then the best thing to do is to buy a pair of trainers for all occasions and surfaces.
How far will you run?
Decide how many miles you are likely to be logging each week and use this to help you assess the best level of durability. All Nike running shoes for men are extremely hard wearing, but those with thinner, lighter soles will naturally wear out more quickly.
You should also be aware that many of the materials used to construct even the best running shoes will lose their elasticity over time, even if they are not being used. This means if you have a pair of shoes that you only bring out a few times a year and have barely worn down, you may be far more comfortable in a replacement pair.
What if you don’t want to run at all?
If you want your feet to look and feel great but don’t plan on doing much in the way of hard training or exercise, check out the range of Nike casual shoes for men. Models such as the Air Huarache Run Ultra are extremely lightweight, look great, and feature an Air-Sole unit in the heel to provide a more responsible level of cushioning. You can enjoy all the benefits associated with lightweight, comfortable footwear without having to break into a sweat.
We are here to help
At GB Sneakers we are many years of experience of selling Nike shoes for men and absolutely love what we do, so if you need any advice or information to help you to make your choice, we’d love to hear from you.